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Infinity Orange Pump

The Infinity Orange is an enteral only feeding system with maximum configurable rate and dose lock features.
The pump requires rate, dose, and food type confirmation before operating, lowering the possibility of programming errors.
Even at low rate and dose settings, the Infinity Orange retains accuracy of 5%.
Less milk or formula is wasted since the pump leaves less fluid in the downstream tubing once feeding is complete.
The Infinity Orange has an easy layout and user interface that are quick to learn and simple to use, freeing the caregiver to concentrate on other aspects of patient care.
It has been demonstrated that the Infinity Orange consistently delivers under a wide range of circumstances.
The pump can be cleaned with warm water and does not require routine calibration or maintenance.
Infinity Orange Technical Specifications
Size: 4.05” H x 5.65” W x 1.95” D (10.3 cm H x 14.4 cm W x 4.9 cm D)
Weight: 14.4 oz (408 g)
Flow Rate Range: 0.1 – 300 mL/hr
Flow Rate Accuracy: ± 5%
Flow Rate Increment: 0.1 mL/hr from 0.1 – 10 mL/hr; 1 mL/hr from 10 – 300 mL/hr Dose Range: 0.1 mL – 3000 mL
Dose Increment: 0.1 mL from 0.1 10 mL; 1 mL from 10 – 3000 mL
Priming Volume: ~5.5 mL
Residual Volume: ~2.0 mL
Battery: Lithium ion; 24 hours at 125 mL/hr; 6 hour recharge time
Operating Orientation: Any
Maintenance: No annual maintenance or calibration required
Cleaning: Washable under running water (water resistant)